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Love & Housework

Adele predicting our future. Marriage is a marathon. Initial passion turns into familiarity, and – if you do it right – that’s not only okay, it’s better. The first song we wrote together. She handed me the lyric with the message, “think Otis Redding.” Meant to be sung as a duet (equal housework duties!) The musical structure – which I’m extremely proud of – came with no effort whatsoever.


It used to be when I'd pick up your shirt

I'd think about the night before

How you unbutton from the bottom

Shrug it off onto the floor

And lose myself in the memory of loving you.


It used to be when I cleaned up the kitchen

Sweep the floor and wash the dishes

The glasses from the night before 

Would bring back the taste of wine and kisses

And I'd lose myself in the memory of loving you.


Now I pick up your clothes without thinking about it

And I make the bed, never thinking about it

It's because I've loved you so much now

I never lose the memory of loving you. 

The fears of not knowing

Going, never growing

Make bold the colors of passion's first embrace

I've watched and waited as those colors faded

And I've earned the right not to fear

The weight of those unwelcome years

Redrawing your love in the lines you find in my face 


Now I know I love you without thinking about it

And I can't live without you

Even thinking about it 

Is something I could never do now 

Cuz I'll never lose the memory of Loving You

I'll never lose the memory of Loving You

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